Document List Example

It is important for clients going through the immigration evaluation process to present as much documentation as possible that provides a comprehensive overview of their immigration history and circumstances.

Key documents for an immigration psychological evaluation may include:

  • Identification Documents 
    • Passport or national identity card
    • Driver’s license or state ID
    • Birth certificate
    • Social Security card
  • Family Documents
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce decree(s)
    • Birth certificates for spouse and children
    • Adoption papers
  • Legal Documents
    • Any notices or correspondence from immigration authorities
    • Court documents related to immigration or criminal matters
    • Letters of support or affidavits from family, friends, or employers
  • Medical Records (if applicable)
    • Vaccination records 
    • Medical exams related to immigration 
    • Mental Health Records  
  • Other Supporting Documents
    • Evidence of relationships with family members (photos, letters, etc.)
    • Proof of residency or community ties
    • Any other relevant documents related to the immigration case
Please Note:  The listed documents are meant to serve as examples only, and does not represent a comprehensive list.  Please consult with the appropriate U.S. Immigration department or an attorney to determine what documents you need.